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StayFit With 5 Simple Easy Workouts Loosing weight is a challenge that has stern roots and very thorny to pull indeed. "Every morning I make up my mind I have to loose weight then I plan on to join a gym and I skip my breakfast. In the afternoon I content myself with porridge and some coffee. After working the whole day I am exhausted at night, energy less ready to gobble on a scoop of ice-cream to overcome my cravings. But with that scoop I loose my plan and determination. From where do I get energy?" Christine This is not just her, but you, him perhaps me. We can't diet, we don't have time to go out for workouts and quite stressed at the end of the day to walk. So what could a person glide in his routine which helps him remain fit or become fit? We suggest simple measures and few workouts that will keep you in great shape. Give it a thought what are the areas you want to loose weight from? Is it all over or is on the buttocks? From here we set up our schedule, when...