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Losing weight can slow down aging by reducing the volume of your muscles, organs, and skin. If you want to achieve your best shape in 2019, you should begin your workout routine right away. If you skip a week, you will feel lethargic and lazy, and lose the motivation to continue. Plan on making your workout a habit. Many people have the idea that if they work out, they will look like a ‘gym rat’. Well, the goal of your workout should be to look and feel your best. If you want a smooth, sleek physique that complements your specific shape and size, it is necessary that you get the right workouts in. Working out on an empty stomach is essential to your workout’s results. This is because you will not be able to get all the nutrients that you need from your food. The easiest way to lose weight is to just burn more calories than you consume. This doesn’t mean that you have to eat an excess amount of food. This simply means that you should make a conscious effort to drink more water, avoid foods that are high in calories and skip your weekly fast food runs. The most important thing is to pay attention to what you are eating.

Steps to getting in shape 

.Commit to exercise and stick to it. One of the biggest barriers to getting into shape is lack of motivation. This means that you must commit to exercising as an integral part of your day and focus on what you need to do each time. Commit to a trainer or go to a gym that you know can push you and help you reach your goals. 

• Put down the unhealthy food and pick up a piece of fruit. Stop the excuses, eating right does not mean you have to stop eating junk food. There is no way to tell how much your body is going to change based on what you eat. So if you feel like your diet is not doing much, cut out the junk food and eat fruits instead of snacks. 

• Don’t forget the importance of sleep. You might think you don’t need the extra sleep, but when you are sleep deprived you will see some of the adverse effects on your body. Sleeping for six hours a night will allow your body to repair itself and allow you to feel your best. 

• Start off small, take baby steps. You may want to take a trip to the gym or set a goal of completing a marathon, but that might be too much for you to handle at the start. It is important to start small so that you don’t end up failing. Make small goals such as taking a walk around the block, and once you feel like you can do that for a little longer, go on to the next step. 

• Reward yourself. If you don’t feel like getting to the gym one day, reward yourself for not going. Buy yourself something you have been wanting, go out to eat with friends or go for a drive. Allow yourself a little treat, but be mindful of the balance. If you are focusing on working out, you can have that treat, but not an entire day of treat-eating. Wrapping up So, do you have what it takes to take on the challenge and start getting in shape? To get in shape you must be committed to working towards your goalso and having a life that you enjoy. Start small, let go of the excuses and take baby steps. You may have to take a few more weeks or months to see the results, but you will be proud of the results you will see when you complete your journey to getting in shape and feeling great.


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