If you want to lose weight, you have fundamentally three options, diet, exercise, pills and potions. An increasing number of stores in the real world as well as online are stocking more and more varieties of pills, so what, if any, are the dangers of diet pills ? Make no mistake about it, the pills are marketed by well established companies and comply with all the necessary health and safety regulations. Fast weight loss in a few days may be achieved with pills but I feel that they are not the best option for controlling weight long term.
Diet pills work in different ways, some claim to eat away the fat and have a laxative effect. The other most common type are those that take away your appetite and, therefore, your desire to eat. Many of these pills promise fast weight loss and that is often the case, however taking them regularly over a long period of time is not the healthiest option and can have unwelcome side effects.
The pills that claim to 'eat fat', dispose of the unwanted material through bowel movements that cannot always be controlled.Diarrhea can, in turn, lead to dehydration. There are essential nutrients that we all need to maintain good health but these can leave the body before being absorbed because of the way certain diet pills work.You could be made very sick as a result of lack of nutrition. Do you really feel that uncontrollable bowels,dehydration and diarrhea are all worth it for the possibility of short term weight loss.
Other pills, as mentioned before, suppress hunger, this might provide help for those who generally eat too much and wish to lower their food intake but only in the short term. It is usual for there to be quite substantial loss of weight to begin with but then the body reacts to the reduction of food intake by slowing down the metabolism.With the reduction of your metabolic rate, weight loss becomes slower and slower and eventually you reach what is called a plateau effect.The end result is frustration at the lack of weight lost overall.
If you have problems with your liver, low sugar levels, diabetes or are suspected of having any of these or, indeed, any other ailment you must not take any form of pill or medicine without first consulting your doctor.
Other possible side affects of diet pills include dizzy spells, irritability, stomach upsets and even addiction, to name but a few.
A far better option is a healthy diet coupled with an exercise program that is suited to your particular circumstances and avoid the dangers of diet pills.
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