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Is it possible to lose weight without exercise 

 Many people want to lose weight in order to look sleek and attractive, but keeping to a conventional diet and exercise routine can be difficult. However, there are many validated tips that can help you consume less calories quickly, and these are good ways to lose weight and avoid weight gain in the future.

Weight loss without physical activity

- Eating slowly will make you feel satisfied while consuming less calories, making it a simple way to lose weight and avoid weight gain.

- Small plates can deceive your mind into believing you're eating more than you are. As a result, it's a good idea to consume unhealthy foods in small portions to make you eat less.

- Protein has a major impact on appetite. It can help you feel fuller, eat fewer calories, and lose weight. In one study, increasing protein intake from 15% to 30% of calories helped participants eat 441 fewer calories per day and lose 11 pounds over the course of 12 weeks without restricting any foods.

Storing unhealthy foods in visible areas will increase appetite and cravings, leading to overeating, so it's best to keep healthy foods in plain sight all the time.

- Weight loss that isn't based on a diet

Eating foods high in fibre will make you stay fuller for longer, and studies show that one form of fibre, viscous fibre, is especially helpful for weight loss because it improves fullness and decreases eating.

When viscous fibres come into contact with water, they form a gel, which prolongs nutrient absorption and slows stomach emptying.

Drinking water before meals can help you consume fewer calories; substituting water for a sugary drink is especially beneficial; and serving yourself a small portion of food can help you eat substantially fewer calories. And you're unlikely to make a difference.

People who eat while watching television or playing video games can eat less, which can lead to overeating.

People who were distracted while consuming a meal consumed around 10% more in that sitting, according to a study of 24 studies; however, the snooares during the meal have a greater impact on your consumption later in the day.

Sleep deprivation and stress can trigger an imbalance in many essential hormones that control appetite, causing you to eat more.

Sugary drinks have been related to an increased risk of weight gain and a variety of diseases, so your brain doesn't register liquid calories the same way it does solid foods, causing you to overeat.

- Weight loss of ten kilogrammes per week

As previously stated, low-calorie diets are high in fibre and other essential nutrients that provide the body with essential vitamins and minerals and may help prevent undernutrition. In addition to healthy eating, diet also encourages physical activity, which can aid weight loss efforts.

Eat a protein-rich breakfast every day to keep the appetite at bay for the rest of the day; choose eggs, yoghurt, or peanut butter for breakfast, and don't go longer than three hours between meals; make sure to eat small snacks in between meals.

Processed foods are limited in a volumetric diet because they are high in calories and lack basic nutrients, and studies have shown that consuming processed foods increases the risk of obesity, heart disease, and a variety of other health issues.


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