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Never Avoid Food Avoid Fats

The greatest myth prevalent amongst people is to avoid food whilst dieting. How can one survive without food? Even if one survives on liquids for a while can this go on forever? Are all kinds of foods responsible for weight gain? Should we neglect the nutritional element in meals? Why food has been declared a "touch me not" in weight loss schedules?

The solution to all these questions lie in the facts discovered recently. Few surveys had been conducted about people who believe in consuming food in their diet regime. 70% believed in vegetables, water and fruits as key components in dieting and other 30% thought that they should be combined with some nutritional supplements to get the required result. Well, the fact is poles apart as the ideal diet for any person should include 1000-1200 calories in a day, and that cannot be consumed only with liquids and fruits.

Most interesting thing that comes to your mind with this calorie level is why do we require this much calories or food at all? When we are doing our chores in routine we burn calories and it is essential to consume a minimum amount to keep the energy level at par with the body. If anybody consumes lesser amount of calories she would feel exhaustive or might even faint with weakness. In initial stages low food consumption does not affect your body much but after some time the stored fats no longer burn to provide you with required energy levels. Hence it is most essential to consume 1200 calories in a day span to keep your body active.

Another key fact we need to learn in detail is differentiating food from fats. What is harmful for you is fat content in the food and not the entire section of foods. Oil, cream, chocolates, junk food, potatoes and cheese are just few scribbled fats that affect your calorie account. Like when you are cooking try to cook in minimal quantity of oil. Instead of going for flour pastas try whole wheat pastas and if possible without any cheese. Junk food and chocolates are certainly to be avoided as they are the most sinful calorie consumption you could deluge into.

Apart from regular discussed fats one must understand how Trans fat are even more horrifying for health and weight. When people prefer margarines to butter they make a huge mistake as butter is a saturated fat and margarine could possibly be a Trans fat which causes increase in LDL cholesterol in the body. The foods are processed with hydrogenation to increase their shelf life in stores. Foods such as cookies, cakes and fries are good examples of Trans fats. As more people are getting aware of this fact manufacturers have initiated processes that make use of minimal Trans fat. It's always good to read labels or perhaps avoid them completely.

People who believe in the concept of food and cut fats in their food intake have higher chances of maintaining their weight as they would have enough satisfaction and hunger pranks cannot play tricks on them occasionally. We sincerely suggest to all teenagers and females not to run fads as celebrated by celebrities as they have personal dieticians supervising them at every step and take care of their nutritional requirement also. But if we start dieting on watermelons and fruits alone, in a month or so you will be 7 pounds slimmer with unfit body, lower levels of hemoglobin and disturbed digestive system.

We strongly recommend food for all who are loosing weight or even maintaining it. Food is essential and acts as fuel to run our body. In medical terms even little amount of oil is also suggested in diet for greasing in bones and smoothening of digestive system. Then there are various natural foods like avocado, nuts, fish and olives that possess great nutritional value and add vigor to the body with essential needs they should also be included in diets from time to time to provide your body with multi vitamins and nutrition

Remember, cut fats but never skip food as it's the surviving stalk in your life that keeps the entire body machine working for many years.


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