Tips to controle your mental stress that you can stay healthy all time.
Mental stress plays an important role in spoiling the body.Therefore control of mental stress is very important to maintain the shape of your body.
Here are some ways to overcome mental stress so that you can maintain your health
• Start off with meditation: A healthy mind is the secret of beauty. Meditation is very effective in stress reduction and is also known to reduce the risk of heart diseases, sleep disorders, and even depression. Try it for at least 15-20 minutes daily.
Reassure yourself
Often when one is stressed, they tend to lose hope. If your brain is under mental stress, you tend to develop a negative self-view that impacts on your ability to think positive thoughts. Sometimes a second opinion from a more knowledgeable person helps.
Eliminate your negative thoughts
Negative thoughts lead to more negative feelings. Try to think positively as the emotions that you are feeling are just temporary and once you get through your stressful situation, your feelings will change.
Create a positive environment
Your mood is impacted on the mood of those around you. When you have a negative outlook, others can be affected by this. So think of your environment that you create for yourself. One suggestion is to build a bedroom. Add some new pictures and create a relaxed atmosphere.
Work on a to do list
A to do list is the first step in relieving a lot of stress. When you have a lot of tasks to do, take the time to think about each one before starting. Also consider doing small chores like washing up and scrubbing the sink. These tasks are not difficult and will give you a sense of accomplishment. You can also decide to do a task every day. This will give you the drive to finish the work that you need to do.
Eat healthy foods
Most of the food you consume has a link to mental health. So when you eat a healthy diet, your body will be in a healthier shape and stress won't have as much of an impact on your body. Eat foods with high nutrient content and choose foods with vitamin C like oranges, lemons, and strawberries.
Check in with a counselor
Counselors can be of a tremendous help when you have a lot on your mind. It is not uncommon for a person to experience mental stress at some point in their life. But if you don't get help early, the feelings can build up and eventually lead to serious physical problems. Also, if you have children, try to involve them as well. A counselor can help you identify ways to lower the impact of your stress.
• Jog: There are many people who find it difficult to exercise regularly. But not to worry, you can still workout by jogging. When we are stressed, we tend to perform poorly on tasks as the blood in the brain gets diverted to the limbs. So, start off with a short jog in the morning after waking up. This will help you to increase your energy level, which in turn will improve your mood and your overall health.
• Cuddle up with your pets: Yes! That's the right way to keep your mind and body relaxed. Cuddle up with your pets and do some training exercises with them. Studies have shown that people who train with animals have lower levels of cortisol and lower heart rates.
• You can also dance: When we are stressed, our brain gets a kind of a physiologic effect and it slows down. However, dancing is a good way to de-stress as it instantly revs up the heart and gives a fresh and healthy mental focus.
Chill out: Sitting in the same position for too long can stress you out. To avoid stress, sit on a comfortable chair with your legs stretched out in front of you, rest your chin on your hand and look at the ceiling. Do this for five minutes every hour to ease stress.
Quit work Stress is related to work. Therefore you should stop work and take some time off.
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