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The best diet plan for summer season to stay healthy 

If you're someone wanting to shed kilos quickly, make the most of summer time! Follow these diet tips to achieve your wright goals in a healthy way. 

Cook your meals using coconut oil. This will help you shed extra kilos, as it is a good source of saturated fat. The calories you can get from one tablespoon of coconut oil is enough for 3-4 medium-sized meat steaks. 

Go for protein-rich meals and avoid junk food. Protein does not contribute to weight gain as other nutrients do. Your body can digest it without raising your blood-cholesterol and so it contains fewer calories.

You need to reduce your portions when eating. This will help you lose weight and also ensure your body's fullness for the next meal. When you are at the point of hunger, you are most likely to consume the wrong kind of food.

Keep a tab on your intake of sodium. Taking sodium in the form of salt will make you feel bloated. However, to lose weight, it is important to cut down on salt as much as possible, especially if you have high blood pressure. 

Eating whole grains rather than refined grains will help you in losing weight. Whole grains include brown rice, oats, cornmeal, and quinoa. They help burn fat and are full of nutrients. They contain fibre, which helps lower your blood cholesterol.

Keep a check on the drinks that you drink. Alcohol consumption causes an excess amount of calories to be stored, as compared to the calories it actually burns, over a span of time. You will need to reduce your intake of alcohol, in order to reduce weight.

The first step to losing weight is not to overindulge on the food you eat. Keep a check on your portion sizes to lose weight. 

Cinnamon is a powerful natural ingredient that aids in burning fat, thereby helping in losing weight. Eat 1 tablespoon of cinnamon powder or a teaspoon of ground cinnamon daily, along with your breakfast.

Water is very important for weight loss. You should consume about 64 ounces of water every day. Make it a point to drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water.

You can opt for unsaturated fats like olive, corn, sunflower, peanut, walnut and flaxseed oil. These fats are much healthier than saturated fats as they have been found to raise the level of good cholesterol. You can eat these fats for your entire day if you need to lose weight. 

Consuming only a glass of skim milk or a serving of low-fat yogurt every day can help in weight loss. Yogurt is high in both protein and calcium.

Herbs and spices are always the secret ingredient in the kitchen and help in losing weight. You can add one teaspoon of cayenne pepper or curry powder to 2 tablespoons of vegetable or canola oil, mix it well and cook some vegetables. This will make it hot and spicy and will give a satisfying taste.

Try not to snack in the afternoon, as you tend to reach for fatty and sugary foods when you are in a hurry. Not only this will fill you up, it will also give you a stomach ache for the next couple of hours.

Consume colourful, 

hearty food Food should taste good, and be satisfying. Include a wide variety of greens and vegetables in your diet, as these are known to be good for weight loss.

 Focus on fibre

 Fibre has a direct link to metabolism and regulates insulin levels. It also helps reduce the bad cholesterol. It's advised to include fibre in your diet through foods like banana, kale, muesli, wholegrain and oats. 


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