Never Avoid Food Avoid Fats The greatest myth prevalent amongst people is to avoid food whilst dieting. How can one survive without food? Even if one survives on liquids for a while can this go on forever? Are all kinds of foods responsible for weight gain? Should we neglect the nutritional element in meals? Why food has been declared a "touch me not" in weight loss schedules? The solution to all these questions lie in the facts discovered recently. Few surveys had been conducted about people who believe in consuming food in their diet regime. 70% believed in vegetables, water and fruits as key components in dieting and other 30% thought that they should be combined with some nutritional supplements to get the required result. Well, the fact is poles apart as the ideal diet for any person should include 1000-1200 calories in a day, and that cannot be consumed only with liquids and fruits. Most interesting thing that comes to your mind with this calorie level is why do we ...
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